Hi, i have a simple tree in my application that is built like the sample tree in the cocoon samples. This one works fine even the ajax part.
But now comes my problem: If something is selected within the tree i like to update a repeater widget which is also included at the same site. If I reload the whole site, the selected items from the tree will be displayed by the repeater via the binding - framework. But i don't want to reload the whole site. I want to display the selected items directly at the repeater - widget without a complete reload. Is that possible and what have I to do? Here is some code from the template.jx: the tree: <ft:tree id="barstree"> <!-- empty <div> - tag is very important for ajax - mode --> <div> <ft:tree-nodes> <div style="margin-left: 15px"> <toggle-icon /> <a class="${treeNode.selectionType}" href="#" onclick="return TreeToggleSelect('${treeWidget.fullName}', '${treeNode.path}')"> <show-icon /> ${treeNode.node.data} </a> <ft:tree-children /> </div> </ft:tree-nodes> </div> </ft:tree> the repeater: <ft:repeater id="selection"> <div> <jx:choose> <jx:when test="${repeater.getSize() == 0}"> <p><strong>nothing selected</strong></p> </jx:when> <jx:otherwise> <table class="tBack"> <tr class="tr2"> <th><ft:repeater-widget-label widget-id="date"/></th> <th><ft:repeater-widget-label widget-id="type"/></th> <th><ft:repeater-widget-label widget-id="acctstandard"/></th> </tr> <tbody> <ft:repeater-rows> <tr> <td><ft:widget id="date"/></td> <td><ft:widget id="type"/></td> <td><ft:widget id="acctstandard"/></td> <td><ft:widget id="statementkey"/></td> </tr> </ft:repeater-rows> </tbody> </table> </jx:otherwise> </jx:choose> </div> </ft:repeater> the javascript for the tree: <script language="JavaScript"> function TreeAction(id, act, path) { var elt = document.getElementById(id); if (!elt) { alert("Error: cannot find element with id '" + id + "'"); return; } var form = forms_getForm(elt); var actInput = id + ":action"; var pathInput = id + ":path"; form[actInput].value = act form[pathInput].value = path; forms_submitForm(elt, id); // Reset fields (this form may be reposted later when in Ajax mode) form[actInput].value = ""; form[pathInput].value = ""; return false; } function TreeToggleCollapse(id, path) { return TreeAction(id, "toggle-collapse", path); } function TreeSelect(id, path) { return TreeAction(id, "select", path); } function TreeToggleSelect(id, path) { return TreeAction(id, "toggle-select", path); } </script> mailman --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]