> I worked around that by passing in the host/port/context (read from the
> request object) as a parameter to the XSL transformation.  You could do
> the same with Cocoon using something like
> <map:transform type="xsl" src="whatever.xsl">
>    <map:parameter name="baseUrl"
> in your sitemap and
> <xsl:param name="baseUrl"/>
> ...
> <fo:external-graphic
> in the XSLT stylesheet.  This avoids having to hard code the server in
> XSL.

I tried to do this into my sitemap.xmap

   <map:match pattern="*.jpg">
     <map:parameter name="baseUrl"
     <map:read mime-type="image/jpg" src="img/{1}.jpg"/>

and I tried to put it also here:

<map:match pattern="*.html">            
          <map:generate src="xml/{1}.xml"/>
          <map:transform src="xsl/xml2html.xsl"/>
          <map:serialize type="html"/>          

but seems that baseUrl is a blank string... so it doesn't work for me...
could you suggest me why?
IT could depends by the fact that I'm actually running cocoon in Tomcat?

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