Andrew wrote:
I have an ajaxified form which has a number of required fields. If you
submit the form without filling in any of the required fields 2 alert
are displayed. The first says 'No handler found for element head. Show
server response?', and the second alert says 'No handler found for
element body. Show server response?'. If you click yes to both questions
another window opens up showing your form page minus any of the form
fields! If all required fields are entered correctly then the form
submits as normal. What could be the issue here? When the page firtst
loads I get the following dojo debug lines:
DEBUG: Loading URIresources/dojo/../forms/js/__package__.js
DEBUG: Loading URIresources/dojo/../forms/js/common.js
DEBUG: Loading URIresources/dojo/../forms/js/CFormsForm.js
DEBUG: Loading URIresources/dojo/../ajax/js/BUHandler.js
DEBUG: Loading URIresources/dojo/../ajax/js/insertion.js
DEBUG: Loading URIresources/dojo/../forms/js/CFormsRepeater.js
DEBUG: Loading URIresources/dojo/../forms/js/CFormsSuggest.js
DEBUG: Loading URIresources/dojo/src/widget/html/ComboBox.js
DEBUG: Loading URIresources/dojo/src/widget/ComboBox.js
DEBUG: Loading URIresources/dojo/src/widget/html/stabile.js
DEBUG: Loading URIresources/dojo/src/widget/InlineEditBox.js
My sitemap is as follows:
<map:match pattern="**viewform-*.xml">
<map:generate type="newjx" src="jx/{2}.jx"/>
<map:transform type="browser-update"/>
<map:transform type="cinclude"/>
<map:transform type="xslt-saxon" src="style/{2}.xsl"/>
<map:transform type="cinclude"/>
<map:transform type="i18n">
<map:parameter name="locale" value="en-US"/>
<map:transform src="template-style/forms-
<map:transform type="i18n">
<map:parameter name="locale" value="en-US"/>
<map:select type="ajax-request">
<map:when test="true">
<map:serialize type="xml"/>
<map:serialize type="html"/>
I think you need to understand how the AJAX publishing works, in
particular the browser-update transformer.
When an AJAX request is received, the response to the browser should not
be the entire document (that's not very AJAX-ey!), but only the parts
that need to be updated in the DOM. This is the job of the
browser-update transformer; it filters out everything except elements in
the "bu:" namespace (produced by the CForms JX macros), which the
client-side JavaScript (Dojo) knows how to handle.
In your pipeline it looks like the browser-update transformer is
executing, filtering out everything but the "bu:" elements which contain
the form fields that need to be updated. But then you pass it through
some other transformation stages which *add* content back in! All of a
sudden you've got a document with much more than the "bu:" elements
recognized by Dojo, so it pukes on those unrecognized elements.
I believe you need to restructure your pipeline so the browser-update
transformer comes after the transforms that add content.
Hope that helps
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