Thanks a lot for your reply, Philippe!
It works now.


-- Philippe Gassmann wrote : 
Hi, you have to do something like that :
<map:match pattern="my-wonderfull-cform-coplet">
<map:select type="request-method">
  <map:when test="GET">
      <map:call function="my-function-with-showForm">
      <map:call continuation="{request-param:continuation-id}"/>

You can also use the "simple" selector and call the continuation if the
request param "continuation-id" is present in your request.
But you have to take care of avoiding having two cform on the same
portal page (in two coplets). This can lead to calling one continuation
in the wrong coplet.

Wadim Kruse wrote:
> Hi @all,
> Sorry for repeating the question, but I couldn't find a solution in the docs 
> and on the list.
> I've got cforms with styling working in portal (it's probably not the best 
> solution to copy
> the cforms head section into the portal-page.xsl, but it works). My problem 
> now are the
> actions: How can I get the coplet to be reloaded with continuation on action? 
> I have the 
> following matchers in the portal sitemap.xmap:
> <map:match pattern="*.continue">
>     <map:call continuation="{1}" />
> </map:match>
> <map:match pattern="continue">
>     <map:call
>       continuation="{request-param:continuation-id}" />
> </map:match>
> If an action is triggered, I get an "Invalid Continuation" error. The URL is:
> http://.../cocoon/portal/<continuation-id>.continue
> If I change the path manually to 
> http://.../cocoon/portal/<path-to-my-coplet-pipeline>/<continuation-id>.continue
> everything works fine, but I am outside of the portal...
> What is the way to get cforms + continuations working in the portal?
> (cocoon 2.1.10-dev)
> Thanks in advance!
> Regards,
> Wadim
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