Hi all, 

I have a problem with some special characters in a request parameter.

This is the URL with the correct representation of characters:


Now 'rgyaḥ·mtsho' is what I need in an xslt-stylesheet.

So in the sitemap I have the following:
<map:match pattern="vokabelSuchen-*.html">
  <map:generate src="dict-Rama-Nom.xml"></map:generate>
  <map:transform type="xslt-saxon" src="nomenNachschlagen.xsl">
    <map:parameter name="wort" value="{1}"/>
  <map:serialize type="html"></map:serialize>

In the xslt, I try to catch the 'rgyaḥ·mtsho':

<xsl:param name="wort"/>

But then with 

<xsl:value-of select="$wort"/>

the word looks quite different:


In the URL, it was fine, but then in the browser window, it is distorted.

With firefox, the URL looks different:


but the problem remains the same.

Any ideas?

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