On 9/20/06, Dev at weitling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

...Where in BricksCMS do I have to look? Which cleaner way?...

If you start with bricks-cms/README.TXT, build it and study the source
code, you'll see that it demonstrates a convenient way of organizing
your Cocoon app's source code (sitemaps, XSLT, java code,
configuration patches), "just" by placing the files in the appropriate
locations, as done in the example.

The build system used by BricksCMS allows you to keep your code
cleanly separated from the Cocoon distribution, and to switch from one
distribution to another (if needed) just be changing a configuration
line and rebuilding.

It's just one way of organizing your app, of course, if you have
something else that works for you, fine.


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