Apologies if this is obvious, but I thought it could help someone who doesn't have time to figure it out. Maybe someone has a better method?
Because the resources CFormsForm.js and __package__.js will be modified, it is easiest to copy the forms resources (build/cocoon/blocks/forms/dest/org/apache/cocoon/forms/resources) into a resources directory in the desired mount directory. Add the dojo directory to that resources directory (unpack the dojo lib or download the latest) because forms-field-styling.xsl looks for dojo in the resources. All sitemap references to resources uri should also be changed to point to the new resources directory. Modify resources/forms/js/__package__.js to get the Editor2 widget: dojo.kwCompoundRequire({ common: [ "cocoon.forms.common", "cocoon.forms.CFormsForm", "cocoon.forms.CFormsRepeater", "cocoon.forms.CFormsDragAndDropRepeater", "cocoon.forms.CFormsSuggest", "dojo.widget.InlineEditBox", "dojo.widget.Editor2" ] }); dojo.provide("cocoon.forms.*"); The Editor/Editor2 widget keeps its data in an iframe whose data must be copied back to the cocoon widget when the form is submitted. Ajax-enabled forms catch the forms submit event. I thought it would be cleaner to wrap around the submit before cocoon got it, but it always ended up copying after the submit; I ran out of time to work it out and instead modified resources/forms/js/CFormsForm.js to copy the Editor2 widget inline frame data back to the cocoon widget just before the submit, as follows: _browserSubmit: function(invocation) { . . . dojo.lang.forEach(dojo.widget.byType("Editor2"), function(ed){ dojo.byId(ed.widgetId).value = ed.getEditorContent(); } ); this.submit(target && target.name); // If real submit has to occur, it's taken care of in submit() return false; }, In the form template, style the field widget as follows: <fi:styling type="textarea" rows="3" style="width:100%" dojoType="Editor2" htmlEditing="true" > The htmlEditing flag is not necessary, but useful at times. Hope this helps. Don --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]