On 9/22/2006 9:47 AM, Lars Huttar wrote:
On 9/21/2006 6:15 PM, Laurent Perez wrote:
I tried replacing the three ms jars (mssqlserver.jar, msutil.jar, and
msbase.jar) with sqljdbc.jar, the new sql server 2005 jdbc driver from
ms download site. (This in Cocoon's WEB-INF\lib folder.)

Don't know if you are free to switch your db driver if your code
depends on specific implementations, but have you tried JTDS from
http://jtds.sourceforge.net/ ?
I've had various problems connecting through sql server 2005 (can't
remember if it was a No suitable driver exception or not, sorry), but
JTDS solved everything.

Otherwise it sounds like your tomcat is still seeing the previous
driver, have you tried to cleanup its work directory ? Maybe compiled
xsps still exist here.


I tried installing JTDS. I still get no data, and the same error in core.log / error.log: ERROR (2006-09-22) 09:44.48:420 [sitemap.generator.serverpages] (/mount/gem/...) http-80-Processor25/select_IT_Server_xsp:
java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver

I also cleaned out the Tomcat work folder.

What do you have for your configuration in web.xml? I have
         <!-- JDTS driver (for mssql and sybase): -->

The astute will observe that I spelled jtds wrong. However, even after correcting that mistake, the results are the same.
Do I need to set configuration somewhere else too?

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