Hi Joseph,
a very well established best practice in using cocoon flow (flowscript or javaflow) with Hibernate is the so-called CHS (Cocoon-Hibernate-Spring) approach first introduced here [1]. Of course it requires for your project to rely/depend also on Spring, but I think that this can only be a plus, also because of the very recent release of Spring 2.0. As properly described here [2] (these slides were presented both in Cocoon GetTogheter and ApacheCon) you should:

1. Declare your persistence objects (Hibernate persistence manager, datasource and DAO) in the spring applicationContext
2. Load the context via contextListener in the web.xml
3. Load your (transactionally wrapped) service via flow using a Spring facility and load/use your services easily

Integrating Hibernate and Spring is probably the most common Spring usage scenario so you should find plenty of docs in the web (e.g. [3]).


Working with this approach may lead you to some problems while using continuations (and his request/response cycle wrapping) AND hibernate lazy loading, because of the premature closure of the session. If this is your case, to solve it you may have a look at this [4], where a HibernateFlowAdapter is provided.

[1] http://cocoondev.org/main/117/43.html?layoutType=plain
[2] http://agylen.com/wp-content/Ugo_Cei_ApacheCon_2005EU.pdf
[3] http://www.springframework.org/docs/wiki/Spring_AOP_with_Hibernate.html
[4] http://www.nabble.com/Flow-and-hibernate-sessions-t1232967.html

Andre Juffer ha scritto:


you could have a look at:

http://www.hibernate.org/42.html (especially http://www.hibernate.org/42.html#A11)


The SessionFactory is created only once in an interceptor (http://www.hibernate.org/43.html#A3) where also the transaction is started and committed. I do not use flow to create the SessionFactory. To access the session, I depend on the repository pattern where the current session is obtained from the SessionFactory.

Hope this helps,

Joseph Toman wrote:

I was wondering if anyone had advice or opinions on
using Hibernate+Flow+Cocoon? I'm writing a small test
application to understand the issues involved, and I'm
not quite clear where the SessionFactory should be created.
According to the Hibernate documentation it's a relatively expensive
operation, so I don't want to do it each time the flowscript runs.
Ideas, or things that have worked for you would be greatly appreciated.

                        J. Toman

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Gabriele Columbro
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