Hi all,
I'm using cocoon-2.1.9 and have to generate pdf through a fo2pdf seralizer. The first problem is that the FOPSerializer comming with cocoon-2.1.9 doesn't seem to work correctly. If I try out the FOP sample of cocoon I get an error message like

        sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
        java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Class.java:308) ....

So I have written my own Serializer and it seemed to work fine. But if I use the Internet Explorer connect to my web site through https my serialized pdf could not be displayed. A download dialog is shown and a message error that the file cannot be found. Using Firefox or Mozilla the pdf is serialized without any problems. The pdf is correctly serialized using Internet Explorer and http, too.

Is there anybody with an idea what the problem could be?

Any hint would be appreciated.


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