
Sorry I didn't acknowledge this sooner (was teaching XSLT all this week). Thanks for the advice: will try.

As for compiling out of the box: yup, this is what I did first. As for the location of jing-20030619.jar, I'm seeing it in lib/optional but not elsewhere. But that should be good, shouldn't it?

I'll let you know what happens next.

Random question: I'll be needing Saxon 8, which I was running happily under Cocoon 2.0.7. I'll proceed with setting it up as I did there (though I understand I may need to research sitemaps again.) Does anyone have any tips or warnings about this?


At 06:44 AM 10/24/2006, you wrote:
I unpacked and compiled out of the box with no problem. (Cocoon 2.1.9,
JDK1.5 and WinXP) Did you compile out of the box as well?

The message you are getting means that a certain lib file is not found
in the CLASSPATH. I see in my distribution that there should be a
jing-20030619.jar in tools/lib/ that contains the missing class. Check
if it is present. If so, try placing a copy in the lib/endorsed folder
of the distro or if that doesn't help either, in the lib or lib/endorsed
of your java engine.

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