Hi, I am using CForms with cocoon 2.1.8. My condition is that I need to generate a fd:selection-list whose values are also i18n keys. I use the following code to populate the combo box
<fd:field id="title" required="true"> <fd:label>Title:</fd:label> <fd:datatype base="string"/> <fd:selection-list nullable="false"> <fd:item value="mister" i18n:attr="value" i18n:catalogue="other"><fd:label><i18n:text i18n:catalogue="other">mister</i18n:text></fd:label></fd:item> <fd:item value="mrs" i18n:attr="value" i18n:catalogue="other"><fd:label><i18n:text i18n:catalogue="other">mrs</i18n:text></fd:label></fd:item> </fd:selection-list> </fd:field> In the drop down I see proper i18n values, but when I do view source then I see the following <select name="newprofile.title" id="newprofile.title:input" title=""> <option value="mister">Mr.</option> <option value="mrs">Mrs.</option> </select> i.e the i18n keys for values are not getting replaced. Is there any thing that I am doing wrong Sanket --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]