Hi Jan,
It is first time i worked with views but maybe i have 2 answers for you:
change following line:
<map:generate src="cocoon:/formtemplate/auftrag.xsd" />
<map:generate src="cocoon:/formtemplate/auftrag.xsd" label="debug"/>
then debug-labels at the match of "formtemplate/auftrag.xsd" would work.
another possibility could be this uri:
and set the pipeline temporary internal=true:
Greetings Jakob
Jan Behrens schrieb:
Hi Bertrand,
thanks for the pointer. I have tried setting up a view as suggested there
but I am obviously doing something wrong because I either get errors or
just my standard output. Below is (most of) my sitemap.xmap. When I call
http://localhost:8888/auftrag2form/form-auftrag?cocoon-view=debug I only
get my standard output :(
Any help is greatly appreciated.
TIA, Jan
<!-- =========================== Views
===================================== -->
<map:view name="debug" from-label="debug">
<map:serialize type="xml" />
<!-- =========================== Pipelines
================================= -->
<!-- ========================= Private Resources
=========================== -->
<map:pipeline type="caching" internal-only="true">
<map:match pattern="formmodel/auftrag.xsd">
<map:generate src="auftrag.xsd"/>
<map:transform src="model.xsl">
<map:parameter name="rootElement" value="Auftrag" />
<map:serialize type="xml" />
<map:match pattern="formtemplate/auftrag.xsd">
<map:generate src="auftrag.xsd" />
<map:transform src="template.xsl" label="debug">
<map:parameter name="rootElement" value="Auftrag" />
<map:serialize type="xml" />
<map:match pattern="formbinding/auftrag.xsd">
<map:generate src="auftrag.xsd" />
<map:transform src="binding.xsl">
<map:parameter name="rootElement" value="Auftrag" />
<map:serialize type="xml" />
<map:match pattern="form-display-pipeline/auftrag.xsd">
<map:generate src="cocoon:/formtemplate/auftrag.xsd" />
<map:transform type="forms"/>
<map:transform type="i18n">
<map:parameter name="locale" value="en-US" />
<map:serialize type="html" />
<!-- ========================= Public Resources
============================ -->
<map:pipeline type="caching" internal-only="false">
<map:match pattern="form-*">
<map:call function="handleForm">
<map:parameter name="function" value="form2xml" />
<map:parameter name="form-definition"
value="cocoon:/formmodel/auftrag.xsd" />
<map:parameter name="documentUri" value="auftrag.xml"
<map:parameter name="bindingURI"
value="cocoon:/formbinding/auftrag.xsd" />
<map:parameter name="schemaName" value="auftrag" />
<map:match pattern="*.continue">
<map:call continuation="{1}" />
<map:match pattern="*.xml">
<map:generate src="{1}.xml" />
<map:serialize type="xml" />
<map:match pattern="resources/*/**">
src="resource://org/apache/cocoon/{1}/resources/{2}" />
And finally here is the form2xml function
function form2xml(form) {
var documentUri = cocoon.parameters["documentUri"];
var document = loadDocument(documentUri);
var schemaName = cocoon.parameters["schemaName"];
form.showForm("form-display-pipeline/" + schemaName + ".xsd");
saveDocument(document, documentUri);
[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 17.11.2006 08:45:56:
On 11/17/06, Jan Behrens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
...could someone give me a hint on howto output the result of each
transformation within my cached pipeline (below)...
Use views, see http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1/userdocs/concepts/views.html
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