On Dec 5, 2006, at 1:22 PM, Habib Kaci wrote:


I have a specic need to specify the stylesheet doing the xslt transformation at runtime.

        Can I specify this within the XSP (without writing action).

Thank you,

Yes -- you can specify the transform "at runtime" .
The question is: how do you intend to specify it ?

For an example, I use the following in my sitemap, so that


styles  published/XYZ/ABC.xml  thru the xsl/document.xsl stylesheet.

<!-- For the rest of the files, we use the file extension as a stylesheet -->
        <map:match pattern="published/*/*.*">
          <map:generate src="published/{1}/{2}.xml"/>
          <map:transform src="xsl/{3}.xsl">
<map:parameter name="contextPath" value="{request:contextPath}"/>
            <map:parameter name="who" value="{1}"/>
          <map:serialize type="html"/>

In other cases, a stylesheet is passed as a request parameter.
I imagine with flowscript you can do pretty much any arbitrary processing to define parameters before calliing another pipeline. ( And IMHO, writing flowscripts is likely easier than writing actions. ) Like perhaps if you wanted to lookup a
user preference to determine a stylesheet.

( Did I understand the question correctly ? )

-- Steve Majewski / UVA Alderman Library

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