Hi to all,

I want to use a hsqldb database within cocoon. I've set the following in cocoon.xconf:

<jdbc name="example">

but the database file are written in the default directory (i.e. in a random direcory as /eclipse/..../${context-root}/WEB-INF/db/example) and not the directory where the application is deployed. The same if I write


I don't want using the preconfigured hsqldb server because the application has to be installed by "no skilled people" and I just need they unzip-and-run on computers that could have a firewall set up (also for local applications on localhost). For that I have to access the database with "file".

There's a way to have the context directory as a parameter inside cocoon.xconf? I've seen somewhere in the configurazione file something like:

<abcd src="context://WEB-INF/...." />

but how to use that syntax for a datasource?

thank's a lot


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