
I have a problem using Cocoon and its zip serializer (class
In a matcher, i have series of transformations (sql and some xslt) and
then a zip serializer. The last xslt produce an XML document well
formated for the ZipSerializerArchive (a 'zip:archive' element with some
'zip:entry' elements). Some entries are dynamically generated contents
and others correspond to files in the filesystem.

The problem is that the produced zip is corrupted, files can't be
extracted. Winzip indicates crc problem when trying to extract the file.
It seems that there are several problems : a compression problem and an
character encoding problem. Maybe that these 2 problems are bound.

The compression problem is resolved when i put a level compression to 0
(not really a solution...). Then files can be extracted, except some
which seems containing characters of extended ASCII table (which hexa
code starts at A0). That reminds me the character encoding problem.

One of you has already had this kind of problem with the
ZipArchiveSerializer of Cocoon ?
How can i resolve this problem. ?

Thanks for your responses.
Stephane Dupont

PS : my environment is : JDK 1.4.2  -  Cocoon 2.1.7  -  Tomcat 4.1.3  -
Windows XP

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