Hi Dan,

On Dec 18, 2006, at 8:00 AM, Dan Hertz wrote:

Should the php page not be activated in any of these cases, run the functions and return the xml

Generally speaking, yes — it's possible that the PHP site/script/page doesn't know or care about its client. From an HTTP point of view, it serving a resource — an XML document — in reply to a request (with a given URI), and that's it. In doing so it performs some side-effects, but that's neither here nor there.

However, if the PHP application uses cookies or session variables, then what I just said might not be true. Also, is the PHP application accessed using cleartext HTTP ("http://";), or SSL/TLS ("https://";)?

I'm still having trouble visualizing your architecture, especially the relationship between Cocoon and (a) the Apache that (presumably) serves as its front-end (were you the one using mod_jk, or are you using mod_proxy?) and (b) the Apache that is running mod_php, and (c) the mapping of hosts & resources to the various URI spaces involved. Not being able to "draw the picture" in my head makes it harder for me to answer your questions confidently. It's like "well, I have this PHP and this Cocoon, and what's the difference whether I cinclude or iframe?" Not enough context, right?


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