On 1/4/2007 4:22 PM, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
Lars Huttar napisaƂ(a):
-Run ./cocoon.sh  servlet-debug
-Connect to http://localhost:8888 from browser
-Connect to port 8000 from the Eclipse remote debugger
-Build from scratch, directly from the release archive
then yes, that's how I've been trying it.
I presume it's Windows related. Now I work on Linux (and preparing for a
sleep soon) so cannot test it. I'll give it a try tomorrow. Try to
figure out why it's getting refused, search maillist archives, check
firewall settings (really carefully, windows firewall are sometimes too
"smart") and if being desperate try dumping http traffic on 8000 port :)
FWIW, Jetty's first log output (without -DDEBUG) is "Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000".
So that's a good sign.

Also, I tried "telnet localhost 8000" to see what would happen.
telnet seems to connect successfully. (It gives me a blinking cursor and lets me type, but nothing shows up.) I think that's normal.


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