I'd like to be able to present a single form field (HTML <input>) for the gathering of a user's full name, but be able to split it into forename and surname. The aggregatefield appears to be designed for this, but the documentation provides no details on templating it.

    <fd:aggregatefield id="organiser" required="true">
        <fd:field id="forename" required="true">
          <fd:datatype base="string"/>
        <fd:field id="surname" required="true">
          <fd:datatype base="string"/>
      <fd:split pattern="\([^\ ]*\)\ \([^\ ]*\)">
        <fd:map group="1" field="forename"/>
        <fd:map group="1" field="surname"/>
      <fd:combine expression="forename surname"/>

However, in the form template, if I say

      <td><ft:widget-label id="organiser"/></td>
      <td><ft:widget id="organiser"/></td>

it understandably complains that there is no widget "organiser". What have I misunderstood?


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