Joerg Heinicke wrote:
On 12.01.2007 01:09, Kamal Bhatt wrote:

Don't you need the mount table to indicate where in your filesystems your different URLs map to (ie where to find the sitemap)?

How do you tell cocoon where to look for the sitemap?

It is possible to do that mounting directly in the sitemap. AFAIK mount table allows you to extract that from the sitemap. The root sitemap delivered with Cocoon contains the following code including explaining comments which shows both versions:

| Find a match in the "mount-table.xml" file, if present. It allows to mount other | directories without touching this main sitemap (and thus loosing changes on rebuild).
| Note that other mount-tables can be added here using the xpatch ant task
    | (see src/confpatch/mount-table.xmap)
<map:match type="mount-table" pattern="../../mount-table.xml">
  <map:mount src="{src}" uri-prefix="{uri-prefix}"/>

    | Mount everything else by calling the sitemap.xmap file located
    | in the requested folder.
<map:match pattern="*/**">
<map:mount check-reload="${sitemap-mount.check-reload}" src="{1}/" uri-prefix="{1}"/>

Our problem is that we support many clients on many different servers with a couple of clients sharing servers and functionality.

That is why we use mount tables.
(From Cocoon 2.1.10, might look a bit different in 2.1.7.)
2.1.9, actually. 2.1.7 supported the sitemap mounting.


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Kamal Bhatt

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