Hi Lars,

I'm not familiar with the WSProxy generator, but I'll try to help out as much as possible.

Lars Huttar wrote:
The doc page for Web Services Proxy, http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1/userdocs/wsproxy-generator.html, says "If the remote site requires authentication, then the developer of the local web site has to pass the user credentials as parameters to the WebServiceProxyGenerator."

I've searched around without success for documentation on what those credentials parameters are called. (This is a documentation gap that I'd be willing to correct, if I can find the right answers.) In samples/blocks/proxy/README.txt, two parameters to wsproxy are listed: wsproxy-method and wsproxy-session. Cool.

What I think they mean is that you will have to send them in your request. It should look something like:

http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:{port}/path

That's at least the normal http syntax of sending a username and password with your request.

However I can't find anything about user credentials for authentication. Maybe the wsproxy docs mean that I should send user credentials as *request* parameters in the src attribute of the wsproxy generator? But that sounds like I'd have to send the password in plaintext... right? Does this only work for http basic authentication?

Yes I think the above method only works for basic authentication.

If the answer to that is no, it's not talking about *request* parameters, there are <map:parameter> parameters for the wsproxy generator for username and password... then where can I find out what they're called, or verify that they're recognized?

No as far as I can see in the source code of the generator you cannot explicitly specify the username and password.

This generalizes to a question I've often had, when the Cocoon docs don't list the parameters for a sitemap component: how do you find out what they are? The Javadoc for the component class (e.g. http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1/apidocs/org/apache/cocoon/generation/WebServiceProxyGenerator.html) generally doesn't tell you, unless somebody thought to enter it in the description. All you get is the fact that the setup() method takes a "Parameters" argument.

Did you look at the generator tutorial page?


It describes a bit what the Parameters object does.

Anyway, having found the source file at src\blocks\proxy\java\org\apache\cocoon\generation\WebServiceProxyGenerator.java, I searched for "parameter".
There is definitely recognition of the wsproxy-method parameter:
this.configuredHttpMethod = par.getParameter("wsproxy-method", METHOD_GET);

However, I can find no mention of wsproxy-session. Does this mean the README.txt is wrong? (Surely the wsproxy-session parameter isn't processed by some other class?)

I wasn't able to find the wsproxy-session as well. It might be that the README.txt file is outdated?

On the more general level, am I looking in the right place to find definitive information about parameters for a sitemap component?

Yes looking at some code and perhaps trying to create your own component always works out best for me.

I guess you missed this page, which explains a bit how to create your own sitemap component (in this case a generator).


If the wsproxy generator can't handle user authentication, I'd like to find out if the file generator or HTML generator can. But none of the documentation pages for these generators lists parameters for authentication. Any hints?

I'm not 100% sure, but I think most generators can handle basic authentication like I described above.


Kind regards,

Jeroen Reijn

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