On 2/20/07, Reinhard Poetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Lally Singh wrote:
> Hey all, quick question.
>  With Cocoon blocks (using maven 2 archetypes), how are the spring
> configurations connected together?  If I define a bean called 'peel'
> in a block called 'banana', and I'm in another block, do I refer to it
> as 'peel' or 'banana.peel' ?

Beans defined in COB-INF/config/spring are only available within the block, bean
definied in META-INF/cocoon/spring are globally available and can be used from
other blocks.

Answering your question: You have to use "peel". This means that you have to
take care for proper bean ids yourself.

>  Or even better, some pointers to docs on this.. I'm still wading my
> way through the wiki, etc.

Unfortunatly there isn't a complete documentation about this. The best starting
point for questions concerning "Cocoon with Spring" is

Wonderful! Thanks.  On a similar note, how do cocoon blocks connect
their sitemaps together, and how does it involve the mountpoint?

Thanks again!

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