Dev at weitling wrote:
> Any idea how to "misuse" FlowScript is appreciated :-)

I don't know if this can be considered "misuse" of flowscript.
It's an email confirmation thingy made as a trivial state machine.
The interesting part is the interaction of the step variable with 
the continuation.  Here it is in "pseudo-flowscript":

function forgotten_password() {

  // showForm() to ask the user for his email address

  // DB query to look up the email address among the registered users

  // if (it's not there) sendPage() to tell the user to sod off

  var step = 1
  var cont = cocoon.createWebContinuation()

  if (step == 1) {

    step = 2

    // send an email to the user, containing a link to, telling
    // him to click on the link if he wishes to change his password

    // sendPage() to tell the user that an email has been sent

  } else if (step == 2) {

    // showForm() to ask for a new password, twice

    // update the database with the new password

    // sendPage() to tell the user that the password has been updated



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