I have noticed the following behaviour in the following browsers when
submitting an empty ajaxed form which has required fields:

1. FireFox 1.5 - Does exactly what it says on the tin!

2. Netscape 8.1.2 (apparently based on firefox!) - The form fields disappear
in sequential order, one per submit. So on my login page for example the
first submit will cause the username field to disappear. The second submit
will cause the password field to disappear, so now you have both the
username and password fields gone!, and so on and so on!

3. IE 6.0 - A full page reload for each submit.

To be honest with you I have designed my site specifically for firefox,
because the darn thing follows the html/xhtml conventions more closely than
IE or Netscape, but don't you just love client-side web development?!!



P.S. Does anyone know what the browser market share is currently? I'd be
very surprised if firefox isn't right at the top!!

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