Hello Ard,
You are correct, the attributes are been duplicated.
I have pinpointed my problem to my form model generation alone (the form
template generated is working perfectly)... using the LogTransformer i could
see that the attributes are been duplicated... a snippet of the log is:

[startElement] uri=
[            ] 1. uri=,local=id,qname=id,type=CDATA,value=0
[            ] 2. uri=,local=required,qname=required,type=CDATA,value=true
[            ] 3. uri=,local=state,qname=state,type=CDATA,value=active

[startElement] uri=
[characters] q1
[endElement] uri=

[startElement] uri=
[characters] help for q1
[endElement] uri=

[startElement] uri=
[characters] hint for q1
[endElement] uri=

[endElement] uri=

Why is that happening and how can i correct it...
is the duplication of teh attributes my only problem? because when i remove
the above attribures(label, help, hint) the problem is still there
my jx generator for the form model is as follows:

  <jx:forEach var="question" items="${cocoon.session.getAttribute

 <jx:when test="${question.responseType == 'checkbox'}">
 <fd:booleanfield id="${question.ID}" required='${question.required}'
   <fd:label>     ${question.label} </fd:label>




any help would be appreciated,

On 4/24/07, Ard Schrijvers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hello Rashel,

You can have for example a duplicate attribute in an element in SAX which
you won't see when you serialize it to xml and then save the xml.

Anyway, use the LogTransformer. This transformer logs all SAX events and
will help you out,

Regards Ard


Oosteinde 11
1017WT Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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-----Original Message-----
*From:* Rashel Shehata [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Posted At:* dinsdag 24 april 2007 4:24
*Posted To:* Cocoon User List
*Conversation:* different Sax events
*Subject:* different Sax events


I'm trying to use the jx transformer to generate both the form template
and model xml..
When I take the serialized xml output from my generator, save it as a
file(from the browser) and use that file as input to the default generator
to start a pipeline, the form displays probably...

However when I try to do it more dynamically, by taking the serialized xml
output and use it as input to another pipeline entry, I get a SAXException
error. It fails to recognise the widgets defined in the form model...

*org.xml.sax.SAXException: Element 'widget' refers to unexistent widget
path '0', relative to the form container*

i re-checked the namespaces and both xmls are in correct syntax.
What seems to be the problem, and how can i de-bug it??

many thanks

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