We have to develop a batch process application for generating some part of
webiste content statically before hand, that can be served to the Users
directly. This requires a multi step processing of the Source input content,
which is in XML format, confining to a DTD.


The Fact that it requires multi step processing, forced us to think about
using Cocoon


The Pipeline structure can be used, where we will have to code different
types of Generators for doing the processing, like generating the Citations
pages, TOC, RSS feeds etc. Then the pipelines can be linked one after
another for the multi step processing, using the Cocoon protocol. Can we
have a pipeline with just a generator, which depends on output of another


Please suggest whether Cocoon will be a good choice for the same?


Also I could not find any book written in past 2 years on the subject, the
best one available prior to that was XML Applications with Cocoon. Please
guide us on this too. As is evident that the documentation on the site is
too scattered, and features of Cocoon are too much for a beginner to get
started with :-)



Thanks in Advance


Aseem Monga

Senior Software Engineer,

HCL Technologies Ltd,

STP-II, Infocity, Sec-34,

Gurgaon, HR.




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