Well, I see a call to getRemoteHost in Cocoon.java but only when debug is enabled. Is debug enabled in your system?

I also see it used in a few other places such as the session framework, but there aren't that many. Frankly, if I was trying to troubleshoot this I'd just use a debugger and set breakpoints at each of the possible locations and see if anything sticks.

Leonid Geller wrote:
IP->hostname is called reverse DNS lookup.
The slowdown consistently occurs when the client's hostname does not have an "A" DNS record; having a "PTR" but no "A" record slows things down even further. Now, rather than worry about why some clients are set up this way, I want to make sure the application does not care nor try to resolve the IP back into a host. Something in Cocoon does that today, either an InetAddress object or Request.getRemoteHost type call. A similar issue was captured a while ago here:
But in our case, the servlet container (resin) does not make these requests in a separate test web app. Only cocoon does.
    -----Original Message-----
    *From:* Joerg Heinicke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    *Sent:* Mon 6/4/2007 11:28 PM
    *To:* users@cocoon.apache.org
    *Subject:* Re: hostname lookup

    On 05.06.2007 02:41, Leonid Geller wrote:

    > hostname of the http requestor/client. we have the lookup
    disabled in
    > apache (2.2.4), so requests handled by the web server or our j2ee
    > container/default web app do not experience this problem. we can
    > that because 1) they result in access log entries that have client
    > ip, not hostname, and 2) they are very fast :)
    > a request to a cocoon web app results in the client's hostname
    > in access log, and if the client is behind a proxy/firewall that
    > prevents IP->host resolution, this results in a 15-20 sec response
    > delay. subsequent requests from the same client return
    > instantaneously, as the dns entry is now cached.

    I've never heard of such a "feature" and I'm not aware of a IP->host
    resolution, only the other way around. Do you have a stacktrace
    when it


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