On 8/9/07, Grzegorz Kossakowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Gianugo,
> Gianugo Rabellino pisze:
> > The Apache Cocoon community is proud to announce the sixth  edition
> > of the Cocoon GetTogether,

> I'm wondering about "crashing the party" and seeing all of you. I've never 
> participated in such
> event and have *no* idea about costs. I have already seen some information on 
> Cocoon GT's site but
> it was rather general and did not include any amounts of money needed.
> Gianugo, could give some rough number of euros needed to feel comfortable in 
> Rome. It really can be
> approximation because I want to get an idea if it's affordable for me.


we would be delighted to see you in Rome!

The registration page will be online soon, but we will follow the
tradition of keeping the event cost to the bare minimum, confirming
the last year price which was 125€ (we will probably do an early bird
discount on top of this). This includes full access to the hackathon &
conference, as well as free drinks, snacks, lunches and booze, so it
boils down to little more than 40€/day - that is a minimum
contribution to covering costs, with the biggest chunk of it being
swallowed by sponsors.  A separate pricing (around 45€ per day) is
reserved for those interested in the Hackathon alone.

On top of this, we are organizing a couple of evening events, for the
price of 35€ each - again, this is what you'd expect to pay for an
average dinner, and we will make sure you'll get excellent value for

Generally speaking, Rome is not an expensive city, with hotel rooms
available from 40€/night onwards (not to mention hostels). Also, there
is usually a good number of people who like sharing a room.

Please don't hesitate to ask for further information (but note I will
be on vacation starting tomorrow and getting back on the 21st). And I
really hope to see you in Rome in October!


Gianugo Rabellino
Sourcesense, making sense of Open Source: http://www.sourcesense.com
Orixo, the XML business alliance: http://www.orixo.com
(blogging at http://www.rabellino.it/blog/)

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