Hello. I've been using Cocoon for a few years and I love it! I'm using
2.1.10 on Windows, MacOS X, and SuSE linux.

A web services interface has been written at my work, a public transit
provider. I find some of the URLs distasteful (queries when they
should be resources) and would like to create aliases on top of them
that translate invisibly to the underlying URLs.

For instance:

-> /schedules?stopNumber=10064

-> /stops?lat1=49.856&lon1=-97.149&lat2=49.870&lon2=-97.112

I have tried to solve this several ways. The first attempt, for the
second URL, looked like this:
                <match pattern="stops/(*,*),(*,*)">

That didn't work; the URL parameters don't seem to survive into the
cocoon protocol.

I've also tried CInclude, but since that uses the same cocoon
protocol, it doesn't work either.

It works with http://, of course, but that requires me to know the
host I'm on and the directory I'm in.

I've poked around in the CInclude transformer. Might I have to do
something with the SourceResolver? It accepts parameters, but the
SitemapSource that comes out never has them.

I hope this question hasn't been asked. I searched various places, but
the term "URL rewriting" has a different meaning than I expect.

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