
On 16 Sep 2007, at 23:28, Exquisitus Flinder wrote:

After unzipping Cocoon 2.1.10, I placed it in webapps directory of Tomcat version 6.0.14. I typed "./build.sh" command as per instruction of the
install.txt.  Lastly, to start Cocoon, I typed "./cocoon.sh" to start
cocoon. After running for a few minutes, the program get stuck (see last
few lines below).  My Tomcat was fine,  I was able to open it from

I think you're putting the wrong thing in the Tomcat directory.

- download cocoon
- unzip to a location OUTSIDE of Tomcat
- build the war: ./build.sh war
- copy the war (build/cocoon.war) into the Tomcat webapps directory
- (re)start Tomcat


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