
I've a problem, when I use a http-proxy in front of my cocoon-application, the 
browser cannot get the javascript files from forms and ajax block.

In my pipeline I've defined like this:

  <map:transform type="forms" />
  <map:transform src="stylesheets/forms-style.xsl">
    <map:parameter name="dojo-resources" 
value="{servlet:ajax:/resource/external/dojo}" />
    <map:parameter name="forms-resources" 
value="{servlet:forms:/resource/external/forms}" />
  <map:transform type="servletLinkRewriter"/> 

if use the application direct width jetty (localhost:8888/myApp), it is running 

When I use a proxy, for testing issues, defined in apache httpd, becaus so I 
can test different cases:

<Location /myApp/mandantA>
   RequestHeader add MANDANT mandantA
   ProxyPass        http://localhost:8888/myApp
   ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8888/myApp
   ProxyPassReverseCookiePath / /
   Allow from all

<Location /myApp/mandantB>
   RequestHeader add MANDANT mandantB
   ProxyPass        http://localhost:8888/myApp
   ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8888/myApp
   ProxyPassReverseCookiePath / /
   Allow from all

I've problems with forms and ajax, becaus the links in the html code aren't 
correct. They are defined as:

cocoon.formsResourcesUri = "/myApp/cocoon-forms-impl/resource/external/forms";

And the resources aren't found with the proxy. I thing they should be:

cocoon-forms-impl/resource/external/forms or 

Do I have to configure this or did I make a fault?




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