Alberto Brosich wrote:
> Well, I already have a login form able to show possible exceptions of
> the authentication phase (intercepted and stored in a session context),
> so I would simply reuse this functionality to display validation errors
> catched in the flowscript (form has only listboxes therefore a
> validation error occur only converting fields to text inputs with tools
> like web developer addon; really rare).
> I'll change the approach. No logout and reloading of the form showing
> the "exception".
> In any case which are other places to store this kind of information?
Ah, ok, I see - now, I think there are basically two solutions.
Either you store the exception information in the session and take care
that there is no logout.
Or you add this information as hidden parameters to the login form so
they are submitted each time a new login is tried. There are basically
two variations for this, either you store all information as request
parameters there or you just store a pointer there and on the server you
store the information in some global store (simple map would do).

Carsten Ziegeler

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