I have a problem with search and paging,
I do search with a post from form and then do pagination with the
work's , but if there are some spezial charachters in the search like ü
etc the paging makes problems.
some codesnippets ..
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
....form method="get" action="/openclass/OCI/DE/search.html">
<input class="searchfield" name="queryString" type="text"
value="dr&uuml;cker"><img src="images/link_pfeil.gif" alt="" height="7"
width="10" border="0"><input type="submit" Value=""
looks good but the paging links are broken 
div id="nav-next">
ker&pagelength=8&startIndex=8')" class="prevButton"></a>
there is a problem in queryString %C3%BC 
its createt in xsl with 
<xsl:variable name="baseurl"><xsl:value-of select="$contextPath"
/>/search.html?queryString=<xsl:value-of select="../@query-string"
/>&amp;pagelength=<xsl:value-of select="../@page-length" />


Serializers are changed to ISO-8859-1 encoding 

Need realy help for workaround or bugfixes 

Cocoon is version 2.1.9


thanks in advance 


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