I'd really appreciate some help with debugging.  I'm very new to Eclipse,
too.  :-) 

More generally, it would be great to find some high quality advice on the
web site on problem solving in general, particularly on the POM and Spring.
There are now some very clear pages on the sitemap and writing and using
components.  They are very welcome. 

Many thanks

-----Original Message-----
From: Grzegorz Kossakowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 January 2008 21:14
To: users@cocoon.apache.org
Subject: Re: MockLogger configuration

Robin Rigby pisze:
> Am I right that the MockLogger delegates to log4j?  I get warnings about
> configuring log4j.
> Where should I put log4j.xconf for testing?
> Better, where should I look to find out for myself?

Yes, MockLogger delegates to log4j but I fail to see where it's used. I
think that in order to
figure out how this logging in tests works (I don't know myself) you would
need to debug this.

If you need debugging advice of unit tests (which is not that obvious but
once learned very
convenient) just ask.

Grzegorz Kossakowski
Committer and PMC Member of Apache Cocoon

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