On Sun, Feb 3, 2008 at 6:26 PM, Grzegorz Kossakowski
> > The Cocoon 2.2 installation instructions ...
>  Good suggestion. I'll adjust docs as soon as I have some spare time.

Happy to help.

>  > After changing to the block directory, "mvn jetty:run" runs for a long
>  > time and ends with errors about missing JARs for Jetty  (see below).
>  It runs for long time only at first usage because Maven needs to pull all 
> dependencies.

I understood that, but others might not.  A note about the lengthy
install might help; at least the screen keeps changing so the admin
knows something is happening. See the italic text on:

>  > ===
>  >> mvn --version
>  > Maven version: 2.0.8
>  > Java version: 1.4.2_15
>  > OS name: "windows 2003" version: "5.2" arch: "x86" Family: "windows"
>  >
>  >> mvn jetty:run
>  > ...
>  > [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  > [INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.
>  <snip what="other dependencies on non-existing 2.4.1 version of artifacts"/>
>  Damn, you are unbelievably effective on stumbling upon Maven's 
> bugs/limitations. ;-)

Just lucky.

>  This problem is caused by infamous combo of Java 1.4.2, Maven 2.0.x and 
> usage of ${project.version}
>  in one of POMs (in this case[1]). This bug is known as MNG-2339[2] and is my 
> the most hated issue
>  with Maven.
>  Solutions are (all dirty, unfortunately):
>  1. Upgrade to Java 1.5.x OR
>  2. Add failing dependencies to your block's pom.xml with hardcoded versions 
> instead of
>  {project.version} expressions OR
>  3. Attach -Dversion=6.1.5 to the cmd you are running, e.g.:
>  mvn clean jetty:run -Dversion=6.1.5
>  The third one is the quickest work-around but the most dirty one at the same 
> time. The second
>  pollutes your pom but is reliable solution until MNG-2339 is fixed. The 
> first one is rather
>  hypothetical options because I presume that if you still stick to Java 1.4.x 
> you must have a good
>  reason for that.

The W2003 PC has several versions of Java installed.  I can easily
switch to Java 1.5 or 1.6, but I need Java 1.4.  Lenya 1.3 (my current
project) needs Java 1.4 and Cocoon-2.1.

My next project (an add-on to another company's product) will also
need Java 1.4 and Cocoon.  I was hoping to use Cocoon-2.2.  Assuming
Cocoon-2.2 is similar to Cocoon-2.1, I need to patch it and add
several components before creating an EAR.  Will Maven issues continue
to cause problems after Cocoon is download?

Why is "-Dversion=6.1.5" dirty?  What is lost?  What software is being
versioned to 6.1.5?

>  Voting for this issue is probably a good idea. I'm really sorry that you are 
> starting with C2.2 in a such unfortunate way...
>  Grzegorz Kossakowski

I will vote when I am home.  (I forgot my JIRA logon.)


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