
On 14/02/2008, Bertrand Delacretaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Message: The repository home at
> > /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.31
> /webapps/cocoon/samples/blocks/jcr/repotest
> > appears to be in use. If you are sure it's not in use please delete the
> file
> > at
> > /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.31
> /webapps/cocoon/samples/blocks/jcr/repotest/.lock.
> > Probably the repository was not shutdown properly. ...
> This comes from the jcr block, if you're not using that block you
> should exclude it from your build.
> Or (again if you're not using the JCR block, as that would be where
> its data is stored), modify your startup scripts to remove that lock
> file before starting Cocoon.

I notice you have the samples in your deployment too
(webapps/cocoon/samples) - it's best practice to exclude the samples from
your build when deploying to production.

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