Florian Leinberger pisze:
> Hi,

Hi Florian,

> I would like to add some live sites to the section "who uses cocoon" and also
> add our company to the "Products" and "professional services" page. I went
> through the daisy registration and got an account for daisy. However, it seems
> that this account ("leinberger") has not sufficiant rights to edit / add those
> pages. Any hints on this? is there anybody rsponsible for the daisy 
> installation
> that could give me some help.

Everything is already in "How to contribute" page[1]. The fragment you are 
interested in is:
"These instructions only work if you have an active account in our Daisy CMS 
and got the doc editor
role assigned. If you haven't, create your account at
http://cocoon.zones.apache.org/daisy/registration and ask at 
dev[_at_]cocoon.apache.org for editing

I have already assigned you necessary role. Happy editing!

[1] http://cocoon.apache.org/1273_1_1.html

Grzegorz Kossakowski

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