Hi Jed,

you might try using <map:match pattern="main/*.jhtml"> (leaving out the "/").
I remember having experienced similar problem some tim ago.


Jed schrieb:
> Hi All,
> I'm a new Cocoon user and I've come across and I'm having a really
> bizarre problem at the moment which has stopped my site development in
> it's tracks.
> I've got Apache/Tomcat/Cocoon set-up and have got the Tomcat and
> Cocoon samples running just fine. I've set-up a virtual server with
> it's own docroot and made a simple "HelloWorld" servlet and XML/XSLT
> test and again, those work both fine.
> However, I've now started setting up my pipelines/matchers and a
> really strange thing is happening.
> As a test, I've put "helloworld.xml" and its associated xsl file in
> docroot and set-up a matcher so that and request for /*.jhtml
> effectively loads and transforms that file. This works fine. However,
> if I then make a subdirectory of docroot and place the same xml/xsl
> there and set-up a matcher for that, absolutely nothing happens.
> Instead I just get a Tomcat 404 page.
> I've been scratching my head over this for a week and what appears to
> be the problem is that Tomcat is definately passing requests for
> documents in docroot to cocoon but NOT for any sub-directories.
> The way I tested was as follows:
> Test 1:
> Created files:
> docroot/helloworld.xml
> docroot/helloworld.xsl
> Matcher:
> <map:match pattern="*.jhtml">
> <map:generate src="helloworld.xml"/>
> <map:transform src="helloworld.xsl"/>
> <map:serialize type="html"/>
> </map:match>
> Request:
> http://test.domain/randomfilename.jhtml
> Result:
> "Hello World!"
> Test 2:
> Create files:
> docroot/main/helloworld.xml
> docroot/main/helloworld.xsl
> Matcher:
> <map:match pattern="/main/*.jhtml">
> <map:generate src="/main/helloworld.xml"/>
> <map:transform src="/main/helloworld.xsl"/>
> <map:serialize type="html"/>
> </map:match>
> Request:
> http://test.domain/main/randomfilename.jhtml
> Result:
> Tomcat 404 error message
> Test 3:
> Remove files:
> docroot/helloworld.xml
> docroot/helloworld.xsl
> Matcher:
> <map:match pattern="*.jhtml">
> <map:generate src="helloworld.xml"/>
> <map:transform src="helloworld.xsl"/>
> <map:serialize type="html"/>
> </map:match>
> Request:
> http://test.domain/randomfilename.jhtml
> Result:
> Coccon 404 error message as defined in <map:handle-errors>
> I have DEBUG level set in logkit and watched what was happening when I
> made requests. mod_jk was intercepting the request from apache and
> matching it with a worker and passing it to Tomcat. For requests for
> documents in docroot, Tomcat was passing them to cocoon as the
> requests and processing can be seen in the sitemap.log file.
> However, when a request is made for a file in a sub-directory of
> docroot, there is zero activity in sitemap.log - the request just
> never gets there!
> I am *completely* baffled. I believe I have the various components
> configured correctly but as stated, Tomcat will not pass requests for
> sub-dirs to Cocoon.
> Can anyone shed any light on this?
> - Jed
> Heres the pertinent extracts from the various configs:
> Apache - http.conf:
> <VirtualHost *:80>
> DocumentRoot /usr/local/apache/share/saab_current/htdocs/
> ServerName test.domain
> Options FollowSymLinks +Indexes
> <Directory /usr/local/apache/share/htdocs>
> Options +Indexes
> </Directory>
> DirectoryIndex index.jhtml index.html index.xml
> JkMount /*.shtml xmlworker
> JkMount /main/*.jhtml xmlworker
> </VirtualHost>
> Tomcat - server.xml
> <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="test.domain"
> cachingAllowed="true" debug="9">
> <Host name="test.domain" debug="9" appBase="/usr/local/apache/share/htdocs"
> unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true" xmlValidation="false"
> xmlNamespaceAware="false">
> <Context debug="9"
> reloadable="true"
> path=""
> docBase="/usr/local/apache/share/htdocs"
> />
> </Host>
> </Engine>
> Tomcat - workers.properties
> # XML worker
> worker.xmlworker.port=8009
> worker.xmlworker.host=localhost
> worker.xmlworker.type=ajp13
> Cocoon - sitemap.xmap
> <map:match pattern="*.jhtml">
> <map:generate src="pageOne.xml"/>
> <map:transform src="doc2html.xsl"/>
> <map:serialize type="html"/>
> </map:match>
> <map:match pattern="/main/*.jhtml">
> <map:generate src="/main/pageTwo.xml"/>
> <map:transform src="/main/doc2html.xsl"/>
> <map:serialize type="html"/>
> </map:match>
> My set-up is:
> Fedora Core 6
> Apache/2.2.8
> mod_jk 1.2.26
> Tomcat  5.5.26
> Cocoon 2.1.11
> Sun JDK 1.6.0_05-b13
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Rainer Pruy

Acrys Consult GmbH & Co. KG
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