I have this external graphics tag in my xsl when using FOP to serialize pdfs'.(Cocoon 2.1.11 with 0.94 FOP)

<fo:external-graphic src="cocoon:/selitykset/{$kunta}-{$alue}-{$kaavano}-laatija_{$kaavano}.gif" .. etc..

But now I am building an html serializer for the same project. How do I "convert" this into an html tag? <img src="cocoon:/selitykset/{$kunta}-{$alue}-{$kaavano}-laatija_{$kaavano}.gif" .. etc ..
doesn't work.

I have a large file structure of gifs' so this pipeline is used for finding the right one. So it will find kunta/alue/kaavano/laatija_kaavano.gif from the selitykset directory. I just can't remember why I did so difficulty. Couldn't it just be done like: .. src="cocoon:/selitykset/{$kunta}/{$alue}/{$kaavano}/laatija_{$kaavano}.gif" .. without any pipeline? But then it would demand some concatenation? A little lost here :-[ . Anyway that is probably not the problem but the right way to put it into html.

- mika -

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