
I've spent some time earlier today, looking for a Cocoon component that fetches data from a Postgis database.

I'm fully aware of other solutions that bring Postgis data into an XML form, e.g. Geoserver, but they are not suitable in my context just now.

I suspect it must be possible to adapt SQLTransformer for this purpose,
looking at its source. In fact, it may not even be that difficult.

Nevertheless, I'm wondering whether this has been done already. Maybe not (given that the component framework is changing in Cocoon 2.2) But it is worth investigating.

Anyway, links and pointers to earlier work by others appreciated.

cheers, Sandor

Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Personal coordinates: http://www.cs.uu.nl/staff/sandor.html
"It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away!", (U2, Beautiful day)

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