hello Grzegorz,

Thanks for the reply .. and for the clue .. i guess i was looking in the wrong direction ... i will try and look into the source and also post the same to dev at cocoon .. if u find anything else on this issue please do let me know .. we cant upgrade till we solve this issue .. its quite crucial ..

Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
Imran Pariyani pisze:

Hi Imran,

last night i wasted 5 hrs overs this without any success .. i guess it has something to do with passing the RequestContextListener to the spring context .. i have initialized the listener in my web.xml and also added the config in applicationcontext.xml .. i checked everything on my end .. everything seems to be fine .. is something wrong with the cachemanager present in cocoon ?

any help will be greatly appreciated !! ..

Unfortunately, it looks like you stumbled across rather complicated (and obscure) bug. It's related to the fact how Spring's request scope works (objects are tied to the thread). If you run multithreaded aggregation then child threads don't have an access to beans defined with 'request' scope because they are visible only in parent thread.

More details below...



The failing code is:
            if (touchedOM) {
//Because of complicated flow of this source it must maintain the cleaness of OM on its own
                ObjectModel newObjectModel;
                try {
newObjectModel = (ObjectModel)manager.lookup(ObjectModel.ROLE);
                } catch (ServiceException e) {
throw new SAXException("Couldn't look up Object Model", e);
                touchedOM = false;
Here, manager.lookup fails because ObjectModel is a bean with request scope.

To be honest, I don't have an idea how this should be fixed. I guess it's a bug of CocoonRunnable class but I don't know how to give child threads access to parent thread variables in a safe way.

This would require more investigation that I have no time for at the moment, unfortunately.

I hope it helped you a little to understand the problem. Maybe you will find someone on dev@ mailing list that has an idea how to fix it.

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