I wrote:
As soon as this happens, all pages being worked on at the same time fail with such messages as:

SQLTransformer.Query: Failed to execute query [...]
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operations allowed after connection closed.

For the record, this was caused by a deadlock problem, where many simultaneous requests would get a connection for their SQLTransformer, exhausting the connection pool, and then get stuck requesting more connections through an input module I wrote myself, before the SQLTransformers had a chance to return the connections to the pool.

I worked around the problem by uncapping the database connections:

<pool-controller min="100" max="150" max-strict="false"/>

Now I'd like to know how to avoid the deadlock condition in the first place, with capped connections, but I'm not sure it can be done. I've asked the dev list.


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