Dear List,

at the moment I am trying to implement a multipage form using a modal box [1] in Cocoon 2.2. To be more precise I want to implement something like the following:

(1) Read a form which is sent out by an existing flowscript using form.showForm("foo1"); using modalbox (2) Submit the form (using AJAX) and validate it using the standard CForms framework (3a) If the validation is successful display the next page (form.showForm("foo2") or cocoon.sendPage(…)) in the modal box (3b) If the validation is not successful send the bu:replace and incorporate them into the currently displayed form
(4) After all pages of the form have been displayed close the modal box

I hope the general idea is clear, however I do not know the right places to start digging into the existing CForms implementation. (1) is quite easy to implement, however even though I use AJAX a completely new page is loaded when I submit the form (Cocoon should send bu:replaces at that point, shouldn't it)? (4) is easy to implement as well.

So which are the things I should take a look at (or is there even some documentation on the internals anywhere?).

Looking forward to your answers and suggestions


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