On 7/10/08, Heather Rankin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I want to be able to call a pipeline from another pipeline's XSLT in the
>  same sitemap. (The reason I need to call the pipeline from the XSLT as
>  opposed to from the sitemap directly is because I need to pass the XML
>  input data as parameters and I see no other way of doing this.)
>  Seems I should be able to use the xslt doc() function with the cocoon:/
>  protocol, e.g.
>  <xsl:for-each select="id">
>         <xsl:copy-of select="doc(concat('context:/pipeline4', .))" />
>  </xsl:for-each>
>  However, I get a "MalformedURLException: unknown protocol: cocoon"
>  error.
>  Is this because I'm calling pipeline4 within a nested serviceServlet
>  'chain'? E.g:
>  pipeline1 calls pipeline2 calls pipeline 3 (which calls pipeline4 via
>  the XSLT)
>  (This is actually part of a bigger issue: I'd like to call an external
>  Block from within an XSLT but I wanted to get the answer to this
>  question first and then go from there...)
>  Heather

IIUC, you want to lookup many entries based on data in the XML.  You
have not mentioned what handles the lookup.  If you use the
SQLTransformer, the second transformation adds several
sql:execute-query elements.  The third transformation calls the
SQLTransformer.  A fourth transformation may be needed to format the
results of the the third transformation if they do not insert the
desired HTML.

This is a straight pipeline.  No transformation inserts data from
another pipeline; each just inserts the information needed for the
next step.


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