Hi Patrick,

Is it right, that one has just to fire
  mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=http://cocoon.apache.org

and maven will install all (standard) dependencies transitive by itself (and 
copy everything into my local repository as always)?

Pretty much! You should think of C2.2 applications as being a collection of different blocks some generated using the command you show above and some from different archetypes. Not all of your blocks have to be 'Cocoon blocks'.

And how is one able to get the 'old' cocoon-samples page running (normally I've 
just hit mvn jetty:run to start the samples inside the 

It sounds like you did all the right things except maybe you forgot to change into the '[cocoon trunk]\core\cocoon-webapp' folder and then issue the 'mvn jetty:run' command and view the result at 'http://localhost:8888/'.

David Legg

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