Dear community,

in the Cocoon whiteboard (a folder in our SVN repository where every committer can put into any Cocoon related stuff without having to ask) some of us have started with a rewrite of Cocoon. This rewrite, which has the working title "Corona", has two main goals:

 1. Become the best platform available for RESTful services and
    RESTful web applications based on the concept of pipelines.

 2. Provide a generic pipeline Java API with SAX
    and STaX based default implementations.

Since we would like to make this work available to a broader audience, we want to start with a series of alpha releases. Unfortunately the name "Corona" is already used together with software (Eclipse Corona). This means that we have to find some other name.

So far we came up with "Cocoon Silk" and "Cocoon Fibre". Both names have been rejected: Silk because Borland has some testing software and "Fibre" because in German it sounds very much like "Fieber" which translates to "fever". That isn't a good choice either.

As you can see, the name should be easily pronounceable for people having many different native languages, shouldn't have bad or irritating connotations for people coming from different countries/culters and mustn't be in use together with software.

Any suggestions are highly appreciated!

Reinhard Pötz                           Managing Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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