Hello guys,

as I just stumbled across it again, I want to give a short description how 
you can enable flowscript-debugger for your cocoon project. It is crucial 
that you use the latest version (cocoon-flowscript-impl 1.1.0).

As all properties are handled now by spring configurator, you have several 

a) define system property at startup of servlet container.


b) define it in your properties file.
f.i. create a properties file under 

and put this property reference inside

c) use more sophisticated setup.
create one properties file for development and a second for production and 
turn on flowscript debugger only in dev-mode...

It is important to use the word "enabled" instead of a pure boolean 



----- Forwarded by Gabriel Gruber/Workflow on 24.08.2008 16:23 -----

Grzegorz Kossakowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
21.08.2008 13:32
Please respond to


Re: Release of cocoon-flowscript-impl

Grzegorz Kossakowski pisze:
> Hi,
> Just wanted to let you know that I'm planning to prepare 1.0.1 release 
> of cocoon-flowscript-impl that contain one but important bug-fix: it 
> fixes Flowscript debugger that was broken in 1.0.0.
> I would like ask anyone to not commit to this block, please.

Actually, I've checked it more carefully and there were other (more 
serious) changes made by others 
in the past. Thus it makes more sense to release 1.1.0 version.

Best regards,
Grzegorz Kossakowski

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