Hi all
I'm trying to use the FOP serialiser to encrypt PDFs with no success.
Well, the PDFs I can generate, but they aren't encrypted, neither can I
see anything about it in the logs.
I've installed a JDK 1.5 version of bouncy castle's provider and added
it to my CLASSPATH (the jar I've put at $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext as
suggested in the docs). I've added:


to my $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/java.security file (n=7 in my case). 

I've also added the <renderer-config> parameters to my fo2pdf serializer
component in cocoon's top-level sitemap for testing purposes, as
outlined at http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1/userdocs/pdf-serializer.html.
I'm running cocoon v2.1.10 under tomcat 5.5.25 on RHEL5.
As I said, the PDF files are generated from my XML but no encryption is
taking place. Any assistance is appreciated.
Kind regards
Gary Browne
Development Programmer
Library IT Services
University of Sydney
ph: 9351-5946

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