asif_zzz wrote:
> Hi Imran,
> First of all thanks for your reply..
> I've populated all the values to the selection list.
> Based on selected value ,i need to process the information in the DB
> and the i need to load the new values using ajax..
> I've tried on on change event handler..The selected value get stored in
> front end itself
> i cant receive the value to the backend..
> My binding will look like this.
> <fb:javascript id="customer" path="customerList" direction="load">
>         <fb:load-form>
>           var collection = jxpathPointer.getNode();
>           widget.setSelectionList(collection, "key", "val");
>         </fb:load-form>
> </fb:javascript>
> <fb:value id="customerSelectedId" path="customerId">
>       <fb:on-update>
>       <fb:set-attribute name="changed" value="true"/>
>       </fb:on-update>
> </fb:value>
> My definition part look like this
> <fd:field id="customer">
>          <fd:label><i18n:text>customer</i18n:text></fd:label>
>       <fd:datatype base="string"/>
>       <fd:selection-list/>
>       <fd:on-value-changed>
>               <fd:javascript>
> event.source.lookupWidget("../customerSelectedId").setValue(event.newValue);
>             </fd:javascript>
>       </fd:on-value-changed>
> </fd:field>
> <fd:field id="customerSelectedId" state="invisible">
>       <fd:datatype base="string"/>
> </fd:field>
> Regards
> Aashik
 i dont see u calling the backend anywhere ... there is a very good
example about changing a selectionlist using ajax within cocoon samples
.. there they are doing everyting using javascript .. u can see the
online demo at 

for looking at the source checkout the 2.1 branche from the SVN .. you
will find all you need in there ..

Hope that helps

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