Nikolas List pisze:
> Hi all,
> I have problems to configure two cocoon blocks, where one is a
> descendant of the other (via the special "super" connection) as
> described in [1]. Following the description there I would expect that
> accessing an URL block1/testURL, for which no matcher in the block1s
> sitemap exists, should be passed to the servlet mounted under block2.
> This doesn't seem to be the case.
> To be more concrete the setup is the following: I created two simple
> blocks as described in [2].
> In block1/src/main/resources/COB-INF/sitemap.xmap I deleted the matcher
> "spring-bean" serving the bean example.
> I added a dependency to block2 in block1/pom.xml and linked block2 as
> super-block in
> block1/src/main/resources/META-INF/cocoon/spring/block-servlet-service.xml
> as follows:
>  <bean name="test.block1.service"
> class="org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.SitemapServlet">
>     <servlet:context mount-path="/block1"
> context-path="blockcontext:/block1/">
>       <servlet:connections>
>         <entry key="super" value-ref="test.block2.service"/>
>       </servlet:connections>
>     </servlet:context>
>   </bean>
> Accessing the URL localhost:8888/block1/spring-bean I would expect the
> output generated by block2 as follows:
> <demo>
>   <module>org.test:block2-old</module>
>   <spring>#message</spring>
> </demo>
> The truth is: I get a 404 http error.
> Do I missunderstand the concept of inheritance in the
> servlet-service-framework or is there any misconfiguration in my simple
> example?
> The most astonishing thing is, that it worked out of the box using the
> archetypes from RC2 (1.0.0-RC2 (cocoon-core: 2.2.0-RC2,
> cocoon-servlet-service-components: 1.0.0-RC1)).
> Any help is appreciated.

Hi Nikolas,

Your example looks correct and your understanding of the whole concept looks 
correct. Actually, it's
hard to say what wrong is going on here. Have you checked cocoon logs? I 
believe SSF logs quite a
lot of information about its "super" attempts.

Also, full stack-trace for 404 http error would be helpful.

Grzegorz Kossakowski

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